AHIOAS provides access to basic health services via its Community Outreach Program

AHIOAS provides access to basic health services via its Community Outreach Program

In the Philippines, access to the basic medical services remains a challenge especially in rural areas. The COVID-19 pandemic has added a burden to this ongoing struggle creating more limitations for people to avail of simple yet critical health services.

AHIOAS, being a company that is sensitive to the needs of the community, heeded to the call. On June 23, 2022, the AHIOAS team set up a mini medical mission in San Lorenzo, Tabaco City, Philippines and offered free blood pressure and blood sugar tests to some 50 members of the community. AHIOAS CEO Josephine Smith personally conducted the testing among the beneficiaries.

As early as 7 o’clock in the morning, people started arriving and the blood pressure and blood sugar tests began. Afterwards they attended a health education session which they were taught prevention and management of diabetes, hypertension and living a healthy lifestyle. Snacks were served right after.

Those who came had nothing but words of gratitude for this activity. Some of them had their blood pressure and blood sugar tested only when they were admitted to hospitals. The community nurse also thanked AHIOAS for the activity mentioning people are coming to her for such services, but due to lack of resources she cannot provide them.

AHIOAS recognizes that this small and short activity is just a temporary solution to a much bigger health issue in the Philippines, but it remains hopeful that this is a beginning of a healthful journey of the community.