Total Access Newsletter - February 2024

Access Healthcare Staffing News Letter

Hello February
"Fight and push harder for what you believe in... you'd be surprised... you are much stronger than you think" - Lady Gaga

In the Spotlight in Access Healthcare Staffing

Rv Arceo - Social Media Specialist
Vielka Umanzor - Recruiter
Philippa (Philly) Cabunoc- Senior Account Coordinator

What is something that you feel proud of this week?
Rv: I have small and big goals for this year. This week, I've already reached my target savings goal for January, even though there's a few days left in the month.

Vielka: Workwise, I am proud of my effectiveness in completing my submissions, goals, metrics and to get an extension approved. Personally, I am proud of myself of how much I have learned throughout my career in the healthcare field.

Philly: I am proud of persevering through a lot of closed doors and getting an offer for one of our long time travelers this week! Now she has a job and we were able to keep a great nurse with Access Healthcare.

Who has been the most influential person in your life?
Rv: That should be my grandma! My grandmother was my first teacher and has been one of my best support systems ever since I was 2 years old.

Vielka: The most influential person in my life is my brother Alberto Hernandez. He is my brother, my father and my friend.

Philly: The most influential person in my life has probably been my mom, She taught me how to be successful in life and relationships by having strong values and priorities, and always treating myself and others with kindness and respect.

If you could choose any historical figure to be your imaginary friend, who would it be and why?
Rv: Recently, I've been fascinated by the pyramids, aliens and the bunch of theories surrounding them. So I would say Cleopatra to be my imaginary friend, not to mention she was the first person to wear makeup (l like makeup too, that's why!)

Vielka: I would choose Coco Chanel. I love fashion and she revolutionized women's fashion in the early 20th century. I would want her as my friend to provide me tips on fashion and accessories.

Phillv: Probably George Washington. I think it would be fascinating to be friends with (he first President of the United States and a part of the birth of a country.

You have two minutes to give a speech on anything! What would your topic be?
Rv: I'm not fond of making speeches (esp. public speaking), but if I were to talk about something even for more than 2 minutes, I could go on for a long time if it's KPOP-related.

Vielka: I would passionately speak about the importance of proactively pursuing one's dreams and not waiting for opportunities to magically appear. Emphasizing the need to take decisive actions, my speech would encourage individuals to execute their goals and strive for what their minds envision. I would advocate for overcoming the fear of judgement from others, the uniqueness of each person's journey and the preciousness of the one life we have to live.

Philly: I would want to talk about all things Health and Wellness related! I love anything related to holistic wellness.

Lightning Round

It's dinnertime...what does your favorite meal look like?
Rv: A bowl of rice with pork or beef plus iced coffee!

Vielka: I love crabs and Cajun style oxtail.

Philly: Sushi! I love sushi and/or Poke and usually order one fried roll and one fresh roll to balance it all out.

Is there a special meaning of your name?
Rv: None. It's just literally two letters. I'd just like to think that it's a play on words or a mixture of my parents' names.

Vielka: My name is originally from Russia and it means squirrel

Philly: Philippa means 'Lover of Horses and Tender Hearted'. I grew up on a ranch where we had horses and have always cared a lot about people.

The song that gets listened to the most on my playlist
Rv: "To You" by SEVENTEEN

Vielka: "Es por Ti" by Juanes

Philly: "This Mountain" by Faouzia

Share with us your favorite quote that keeps your life going.
Rv: "Be your own miracle."

Vielka: "Proactively pursue your dreams, create opportunities, embrace the uniqueness of your journey in the canvas of one life." quote by Vielka (l made it)

Philly: "Embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won't have a title until much later." - Author: Bob Goff