Team Member Spotlight: Danielle Erickson ER RN

Team Member Spotlight

How Long have you been with Access Healthcare? I year and 8 months

How did you find out about Access Healthcare and what made you choose us as your agency? I learned about Access over the years through a friend and former coworker, Diego :) I later chose to work with the company due to the positive reputation it had gained based on my conversations with other travelers I came to know who were working with Access at the time. It was around then when I decided to embark on my own travel nursing journey.

What is the best thing about being a nurse? Some of the best aspects of being a Nurse are getting the opportunity to help people along in their healing journey, educating them on the importance of developing healthier habits and making healthier choices in life, and getting to know different people from different walks of life.

What are some locations you have traveled to on assignment? Florida and New Jersey

When you have down time, how do you like to utilize it? Aside from spending time With my family and friends, and being a proud Tia (Auntie) to my niece and nephew, I really enjoy traveling to other countries, learning new things and engaging in various hobbies. Some of which involve my passions for sports (mainly soccer), music and the arts. Additionally, I enjoy learning about and keeping up with cutting edge health trends in an effort to maintain my lifestyle of spiritual, physical, and mental wellness.